Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion

A hexadecimal number can be converted to decimal by following the method:
0xhnhn-1...h1h0 where hi is any of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F , can be converted to the decimal number:
hn×16n + hn-1×16n-1 + ... + h1×16 + h0.

For example the decimal representation of 0x2A9 is 2×162 + 10×161 + 9 = 681.

Hexadecimal to binary conversion quiz:

Question 1: Convert 35 from hexadecimal to decimal.

Question 2: Convert 1AA from hexadecimal to decimal.

Question 3: Convert 12 from hexadecimal to decimal.

Question 4: Convert 4B from hexadecimal to decimal.

Question 5: Convert 89 from hexadecimal to decimal.

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