Adult Education Math Practice

Number Operations and Number Sense

Word Problems These questions test arithmetic skills by presenting problems in a real-life context.

Scientific Notation These problems test the ability to represent, analyze and apply scientific notation in a wide variety of situations.

Proportions These problems test the ability to represent, analyze and apply proportions in a wide variety of situations.

Estimations Estimation questions test skills that assess the reasonableness of an answer.

Order of Operations These problems test the ability to apply the correct order of operation to a small number of arithmetical operations.

Decimals Operations with decimals may be done mentally, using pencil and paper or with a scientific calculator.

Algebra, Functions and Patterns

Factoring These questions require the test taker to write an expression as a product of factors.

Substitution Substitution is the process of replacing a variable in an expression with its actual value.

Inequalities These questions test the ability to solve inequalities.

Equations Equations questions test the ability to solve linear, quadratic and systems of linear equations.

Exponents These problems require to create algebraic expressions that use exponential functions.

Functions These problems analyze and use functional relationships to explain how a change in one quantity results in a change in a different quantity.

Measurement and Geometry

The Metric System These questions require the test taker to convert and estimate units of metric measure.

Cartesian Coordinates These problems require an understanding of the slope of a line, the y-intercept of line, and the intersection between two lines.

Weight, Liquid and Volume Measurements Capacity, weight and mass questions.

Time Measurement These questions require the test taker to convert and estimate units of time measure.

Lines and Angles Problems that use the concepts of parallelism, perpendicularity, congruence an similarity of geometric figures.

Perimeter, Area, Volume Problems involving length, perimeter, area surface area, volume and angle measurement.

More Geometrical Shapes More problems involving length, perimeter, area surface area, volume.

Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

Mean, Median, Mode Apply measures of central tendency and analyze the effect of changes in data on these measures.

Bar Graphs, Pie Charts Construct, interpret and draw inferences from tables, charts and graphs.

Other Resources GED

GeoGebra visualization tools for geometry